Career Advice
Reference numbers and Divisions should clearly be indicated on applications. Applications not reflecting the above will be disqualified and separate applications...
Career Advice
Applications must be sent in time to the correct address as indicated at the bottom of each position, to reach the address on or before the closing date....
Career Advice
South African Government job vacancies are advertised on the websites of national government departments, as well as in the Public Service Vacancy...
Career Advice
How to make your job application stand out with less or no work experience. You have been applying for jobs for a while now and you have not received a...
Career Advice
From the title of this article, i know you might have asked yourself this same question. if you haven't then ask yourself what's more important to...
Career Advice
It is really disturbing when you don't receive calls from employers after you have applied for a long list of jobs. Days become weeks, weeks become month...
Career Advice
Parliament of South Africa uses an online recruitment system to manage employment opportunities and vacancies within the Parliamentary Services Administration....
Career Advice
The Office of the Public Service Commission is an equal opportunity, representative employer. It is the intention to promote representivity (race, gender...
Career Advice
Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment form (Z.83) [PDF] 31 kb.
The completed and signed form Z83 should be accompanied...
Career Advice
Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment form (Z.83) [PDF] 31 kb.
The completed and signed form Z83 should be accompanied...
Career Advice
Please submit the following: Letter of Motivation, Maximum, Four-page CV and Certified copies of ID, qualifications & telephone details & e-mail...
Career Advice
Applications on Z83 form with full particulars of training, qualifications, skills, competencies, knowledge and experience (on a separate sheet if necessary...
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