South African Air Force (SAAF) Selection Process & Training

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South African Air Force (SAAF) Selection Process & Training

Career Advice

Selection Process

Applications complying with the minimum requirements will be subjected to further screening. Candidates identified will then be invited to partake in a selection process.

The selection process entails the following:

Psychometric evaluation:

The aim is to assess the candidates aptitude and potential to develop in the position that was applied for. The nature of these tests will depend on the position applied for.

Selection Board (formal interview):

A Selection Board will be conducted in order to assess the applicants interest in the position applied for, as well as his or her interest in the Defence Force in general. The interview will also focus on self- confidence, leadership potential and communication skills.


Medical Evaluation:

A comprehensive medical evaluation will be conducted by appointed military medical practitioners in order to assess the applicants medical history and current medical status. All applicants must be declared fit for military training before commencement.

Criminal Records:

Fingerprints of applicants will be sent to the Criminal Record Bureau for verification. Records of convictions will be evaluated based on the severity thereof and how recently the offence(s) occurred.

Offer of Employment

Successful applicants will receive an offer of employment. Candidates who are not successful will be informed by correspondence. It is unfortunate that not all applicants who are recommended for training will receive an offer of employment due to the large amount of applications received.


Basic Military Training

Basic Military Training is compulsory to all uniform personnel of the SA National Defence Force and is presented at the Air Force Gymnasium Boston (AFB Hoedspruit), over a period of approximately 13 weeks.


The following subjects will, amongst others, be presented during the training period:

  • Drill
  • Military law
  • Military ceremonies
  • Buddy aid
  • Physical training and Soldiership


Additional Info:

  1. South African Air Force Vacancies
  2. How to apply for the SAAF Military Skills Development System 2022



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